Monday, March 16, 2009
Fremont, Ohio: Hayes Presidential Center
If you need to know something about Rutherford B. Hayes -- with the possible exception of why he was never called Rutherford Hayes, but always Rutherford B. Hayes -- Fremont, Ohio is the place to go.
The entire grounds are known as Spiegel Grove, and they feature trees that have been around for decades. In fact, Hayes used to let important visitors put their names to trees. It's a beautiful piece of property, and it's easy to see why the ex-President liked it so much.
Above is Hayes' final resting place. His wife is with him, and his son in the other side. The Hayes homestead, a nice 31-room mansion that was being restored during the summer of 2007, is on the grounds. Also not shown is the Hayes Museum & Library, which was the first such Presidential library in the country, which opened in 1916.
Hayes is best remembered for the 1876 election, which ended in absolute chaos, and the end of Reconstruction. He promised to only serve one term, and kept his word by heading home from Washington when he was done.
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