Sunday, September 11, 2022

Luxembourg, Luxembourg: National Museum of History and Art

The idea of a national museum in Luxembourg started around 1800, when the French took over for a while and there grew a cry to maintain the identify of the people. Then when Luxembourg became a nation in 1839, such talk grew. Around 1845, the Archaeological Society took over the job of saving antiquities. 

When life turned dark in 1939, the objects in the museum were moved for safe keeping. Sure enough, the Nazis came in during 1940 and wanted to turn the museum into something celebrating German culture. Then in 1946, everything was reunited in the Luxembourg State Museum. The collection got some fancy new digs in 2002. 

The place is free to visitors for the most part, although there is an extra fee for some exhibits. The catch for some visitors is that everything is in French. So if you are an English tourist, you might have trouble figuring out what is on display. 

Since I didn't make it inside ... 

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