Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Marigot, Saint Martin: Fort Louis

Drop in on Marigot, the capital city of St. Martin, and it's tough not to notice Fort Louis. It stands guard over the city and the ocean from a perch on top of a steep mountain. Happily, it's a relatively easy climb to see the views (the top half is about 90 steps), which are excellent.

The facility was built in 1789, as the French wanted an outpost to defend attacks from those who wished to take some products (rum, salt, sugar cane, etc.) It is named for King Louis XVI. The facility was abandoned at one point, but you can still take a look around. 

The town below isn't too big, and has plenty of shops designed for tourists. Our tour bus gave us about 45 minutes to look around, and we decided to spend it on the fortress. 

One photo is not enough:

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