Sunday, October 22, 2023

Vukovar, Croatia: Water Tower

As symbols of persistence and defiance go, a water tower is on the odd side. But don't tell that to the people of Vukovar. 

The tower has been around since 1969, a bit outside of the downtown area. It had been home to a restaurant, famous for its views of the Danube and the countryside.

Then the Croatian War of Independence came along, and - more specifically - the Battle of Vukovar was part of that. The city took quite a pounding in that event, which took place a little more than 30 years ago. The water tower was an easy target, considering the way it stood above the landscape. It was hit 600 times during the conflict. 

Yet, it remained standing. There was talk of fixing it up and returning it to its former status, but the side arguing that it should be a memorial ended up winning. The outside remains the same. However, visitors can get to the top and view some exhibits on what happened in that war. 

We didn't get to see what the view was like, but you can.

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