Hell in Europe is where
the German are the policemen
the English are the cooks
the French are the mechanics
the Swiss are the lovers
and the Italians organize everything.
* The first thing you'll notice about the passengers on a Grand Circle
cruise is their composition. I was told that I'd probably be the
youngest passenger on the boat, and that seemed to be true. The vast
majority were over 70, prompting someone to say that a Grand Circle boat
was actually an "elderly hostel" in disguise. I'm not sure how
comfortable anyone under the age of 60 would be in these circumstances.
The group consisted of almost all Americans; I think there was a
stray couple from Ontario along for the ride. Many guests were
predictably from the Sun Belt. Everyone seemed to be in the same
demographic - not truly wealthy but comfortable enough to take a trip
like this. (To put it another way, we heard stories about washing
clothes in the sink that matched our experiences.) This was good and
bad. It certainly made initial conversations easier, as many had been
around the United States a lot and had stories to share. One woman from
Chicago often came to Buffalo in the past to see relatives that lived on
- wait for it - our street!
But I didn't feel like a great fit with many of those on board,
perhaps because I'm still doing a lot in "retirement." I'm a little more
in the present than some retirees, and that's a bit of a potential
barrier. Besides, some of the other international trips I've taken have
featured people from other countries. Conversations with those tourists
have been fascinating. There was none of that here, and I missed it.
The group had its quirks. For example, attention spans could be a
little short. Announcements were made one minute, and then asked to be
repeated by someone the next. Elsewhere, I saw some passengers in place
in a hotel lobby, patiently waiting for a departure time that was more
than an hour away. They weren't going to miss that bus.
The touring encompassed plenty of walking, and I'd bet that many of
those on board - some of whom needed canes - probably overestimated
their ability to handle the physical load. The strain of the extra bus
rides probably didn't help either. They must have been really tired upon
returning home.
I didn't see many signs of the passengers acting spoiled or
privileged. An exception - one person thought it was pretty funny that a
staff member accented the wrong syllable of a word during a public
announcement. I was tempted to say, "How would you do on pronouncing the
biggest words in your fourth language?"
Eventually, though, people found other passengers that were a good
fit in personality, and joy grew exponentially. We laughed at one
person's reaction to going on a subway for the first time in her life,
and watched her delight when she found out the line went under the river
in Prague. ("REALLY?!?") When we were back from our adventures on the
streets of the latest city, others couldn't wait to hear them - sort of
like what the ideal mom does when the kids come back from doing
something special. ("Tell me all about it!") Departure Day is always a
bit emotional in such circumstances, with plenty of "If ever you are in
Altoona ..." moments heard during goodbye hugs.
* On the big ocean liners, there is plenty of pressure to spend
extra money. Go to the fancy restaurants to order big meals. Buy drink
packages, Go look at jewelry. Check out the casino. Go on elaborate
outings in port.
There wasn't much of that here. Beer, wine and soft drinks were all
covered. They'd sell you some mixed drinks at the bar if you insisted on
it. I'm not sure if the unlimited availability of such beverages was a
primary attraction for this crowd, but not too many people passed up
beer or wine with lunch or dinner. The food was more than acceptable; I
only had to go off the menu for a hamburger once, And passengers'
birthdays were properly celebrated with sparklers placed in cakes.
The rooms on the ship were not exactly spacious. I had to go outside of it to change my mind. |
* Speaking of comparisons, the two types of ships had similar rooms.
The river boat's rooms featured twin beds that folded into the wall to
reveal a couch of sorts underneath. It was rather uncomfortable as a
place to rest during the day, and we learned quickly to ask housekeeping
to leave the bed down at all times.
That was very necessary early in the trip for me thanks to a pesky
cough and some sneezing. I skipped some events in favor of naps. Going
on a long international trip? Bring some cold medicine just in case, or
be prepared to figure out how to buy Nyquil in a Cologne pharmacy.
* The idea behind these trips is for groups to take outings around
the port city during the morning, have them go off on their own in the
afternoon, and then sail to the next city overnight. That plan was
derailed when we were off the boat, as solo wanderings were cut down by
necessary bus trips between locations.
We spent three nights in Frankfurt and three nights in Nuremberg.
They are wonderful cities, and it was a joy to get to know them a bit
this way. But a side-effect was that there was no break in the action,
as the group visited a different city every day until we arrived in
Prague for a trip extension (three full days of touring there). Some
people skipped some activities just to catch a breath. The stops tend to
blend together in memory now, with one German historic district looking
like the next.
* Much of the crew from the two boats was from Eastern Europe,
particularly in the countries formerly known as Yugoslavia. Their
English was a little weak in spots, but they seemed good-natured enough -
particularly when they put on a little show for the passengers.
* A tip of the hat goes to Grand Circle for setting some interesting
discussions and presentations. We heard from an expert of Jewish history
talk about the Holocaust, a political scientist who briefed us on the
current situation in Germany, and a refugee who had gone from Syria to
Austria in order to find hope over the course of more than a year. We
also saw a glass-blowing demonstration - he sold a lot of stuff
afterwards - and visited a house for coffee and cake to chat about
Germany life. (To that last point, shame on the other visitors in our
group of 10 who didn't bring some sort of gift along to our hostess.)
We had been scheduled to cruise down an interesting part of the
Rhine, with castles and charming towns along the way. But the water was
too low for our boat, so we had to take a commercial trip instead. At
the end of the three-hour voyage, which was slowed by the low levels of
water, our group gathered at a restaurant for an authentic German dinner
in Ruedesheim.
The food was rather bland and tasteless, even for me, but the
highlight was the promised German folk band. I will forever maintain
that this band played the oddest set in music history. "I Can't Help
Falling in Love With You" was followed by "Take Me Home, Country Roads."
There was "The Happy Wanderer." A polka version of "The Birthday Song."
"Sweet Caroline." Some songs in German popped up once in a while. When
"The Chicken Dance" broke out and a line extended around the restaurant,
people outside of the facility came rushing to the door to see what the
heck was going on. They were turned away.
The night closed with the band playing that German beer hall favorite, "Hallelujah."
* Even today, it is still hard to escape the presence of World War II in Central Europe.
Many of the cities we visited were more than 90 percent destroyed by
Allied forces in an effort to destroy morale among the Germans. Whether
it was necessary or not at that stage of the war (early 1945) is one for
the historians. But the rise of the Nazi party from 1933 to 1945 still
hangs in the air in that nation, more felt than seen.
* No one yelled out "American swine!" as our tourist group went by.
Even so, conversations with people who lived across the sea from me
certainly indicated that the current administration in Washington is
less than popular in Central Europe these days.
I got the sense that the political polarization in America was packed
with the luggage by those on the cruise. In other words, some were
hesitant to give comments about developments in America, even as Michael
Cohen was accepting a plea bargain. It was easy to tune out the world
to a degree, since CNN International and CNBC Europe usually were the
only useful television channels that were available. But wi-fi was
available on the boat and in most city locations, so information was as
close as a smartphone. Therefore, when an initial conversation indicated
that people were on the same sides of the political spectrum, the words
came tumbling out.
I did have one moment of conflict, at least internally. We were in
Room 600 of the building where the famous Nuremberg trials were held
after World War II. The room is still used, and over the judges' heads
on the wall was a Catholic cross. The guide pointed out that Bavaria was
a Catholic region, and that part of the country had recently allowed
such symbols in its court rooms.
With that, a woman in front of me started to applaud, as did a few
others in the room. I was very tempted to say to her, "What part of the
separation of church and state don't you agree with?" But it certainly
wasn't the time or place for that.
* Germany is cooking right now economically. Admittedly, we stuck to
generally prosperous areas, but the Germans are clearly doing something
right. It was particularly noticeable in Frankfurt, a city I knew almost
nothing. It is becoming Germany's New York while Berlin is the nation's
Germany tried to achieve a superior place in the world through guns
in the 20th century on two occasions, and failed spectacularly
(thankfully). It might have better luck wielding checkbooks in this
* Speaking of politics, it's interesting that right-wing parties are
gaining strength in Germany and left-wingers bordering on Communist
tendencies are in key positions in the Czech Republic. Didn't they learn
anything from the past?
Yes, they sell a lot of beer in Germany. I finished this particular glass. |
* Do you like cheap beer? Central Europe is your ideal destination.
In some places it was cheaper than Coca-Cola or bottled water,
particularly when calculated by the ounce. It was all local brands too.
As one person in Germany put it, "You can drink Budweiser, or you can
drink beer."
As for soft drinks, the marketing department for Pepsi needs to work
harder in Germany. I don't think I saw anything but Coke in the whole
country. Soft drinks were served somewhere between chilly and cold, but
never ice cold, and portions were surprisingly small at restaurants.
* Someone came up with a rule for the service in restaurants - the
farther the trip went along, the smaller the smiles of restaurant
workers became. The pace of service was quite slow too, and it was tough
to find someone to order a second drink. But the attendants sure were
fast at clearing your plates, not even pausing to ask permission.
And if you choose to eat outside, which almost everyone in Europe did
during a record heat wave, be prepared for company in the form of
yellow jackets.
* There aren't many places to buy clever t-shirts in Europe yet. Give
credit to the person in Austria who came up with one with the outline
of a certain hopping animal from the Southern Hemisphere with the
caption "No Kangaroos in Austria." Luckily a store called Blue in Prague
is filled with original items; head there for all your shopping needs.
* The rock band Kraftwerk came to mind as we drove on Germany's
famous Autobahn. ("Fun, fun, fun ...") There were speed limits on the
relatively crowded sections, ranging from 50 to 75 mph depending on
conditions. It's a modern, efficient system.
Even the rest stops had their interesting quirks. Change is needed to
access the pay toilets, which caused some purchases at the 7-11-type
store nearby. There visitors could check out the magazines, which in a
couple of cases had topless women on the cover. You don't see that on
the New York State Thruway.
Now that I've put the 1970s song in your head, here's a video:
* The entire trip was spent in the Central European time zone, which
is six hours ahead of East Coast time. This came with some oddities.
When I got up at 7 a.m., the West Coast baseball games still were not
over. When I turned on the TV at 3 p.m., the only American channels were
usually CNN and CNBC Europe. The stock market hadn't even opened yet.
* Europe has cigarette machines in public places (ID needed for
purchase), women with green hair, too much graffiti in most cities,
bicycles by the droves (especially in Amsterdam), much more public
smoking than America, far more hats with Yankee logos than ones for the
Red Sox (boo!), plenty of McDonald's and Starbucks (with a Mexican
restaurant in Prague), diesel gasoline that costs less than regular, a
25-cent deposit on bottles (Germany, where the Green Party has
essentially won the argument about the necessity for saving the
environment - America take note), toilets with two buttons - one for
each, um, use, plenty of bookstores and ice cream stands, and no
seedless watermelons.
* The flight from Prague to Philadelphia took nine hours and 18
minutes, and we went back six hours in time in the process. Therefore,
August 25 lasted 30 hours for me - the longest day of my life.
Early in the flight, someone tried to adjust some overhead luggage -
and a bag came out of the container and hit me squarely on the head.
Ugh. Luckily it was a soft-shell case. But if someone wants to introduce
a Constitutional Amendment forcing airlines to enforce tougher rules
about the size of carry-on items, he or she has my support. It is a
jungle out there, particularly on the big international flights.
The helicopter pad has to be here somewhere. |
The Hotel Manager said he was asked if the crew stayed on the boat
over night. He asked for the question to be repeated out of disbelief,
and it was done so.
"No, they stay in nearby hotels," he answered sarcastically. "We fly
them in on helicopters. They arrive on deck at 5 a.m. to start preparing
for the day."
The Hotel Manager thought little about it for a couple of weeks. Then
he heard from his boss, who called to roar, "What is going on with your
ship?" The HM didn't know what he meant, and the Boss explained that he
had gotten a survey back from an unsatisfied customer.
"The food was great, the crew was wonderful, and the cities were
beautiful," the note read, "but I will never stay on a Grand Circle boat
again. I never got enough sleep because of the noisy helicopters that
were landing on the deck at 5 a.m. to let the crew off."
We try to accumulate memories on trips like this. There were a bunch of them here.
* We toured Anne Frank's house in Amsterdam, and saw first-hand how
she and her family hid from the Nazis for years - only to be captured
and executed when the Allies were almost within sight of the
* We were surrounded by hundreds of years of history just by walking
into the courtyards of the Heidelberg Castle. The immense complex has
been around in one form or another for almost 800 years, perhaps before
the Magna Carta was signed. It's been unused since 1764 - before the
American Revolution - but still fascinates to this day. (By the way,
travel writer Rick Steves puts down Heidelberg as a waste of time. He is
* We stood in the area in Nuremberg where the Nazis put on tremendous
rallies in order to generate support for their policies, and then sat
in the courtroom where they paid for those policies.
* We listened to one of the world's largest organs of its type belt
out some religious music in a 30-minute concert at a church in Passau,
* We heard the music of Mozart and Strauss in a live concert in a
beautiful music house in Vienna. Yes, they played "The Blue Danube,"
where we slept on the boat that night. The next morning, I saw the
building where the Congress of Vienna took place in 1814-15.
* We stood by the building in Bratislava where the Peace of Pressburg
was signed in 1805, which marked the demise of the last piece of the
Roman Empire.
* We walked in Wenceslas Square in Prague, almost 50 years to the day
from when Soviet tanks came to crush the sliver of freedom that
Czechoslovakia had tried to carve out. It also was in that very square
in 1989 when Vaclav Havel announced to the people of that country that
the Communist government had resigned.
* We had breakfast in Vienna, lunch in Bratislava, and dinner in
Prague on the same day - three meals in three world capitals. This is a
record that will never be broken.
That's a lot of memories, and it doesn't even include the personal
moments with new friends accumulated along the way. Good thing I didn't
have to declare them at customs. | |
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