Monday, August 19, 2024

Quito, Ecuador: Carondelet Palace

Those visiting any capital city of a country probably figure that large buildings that house government operations will be front and center of any tour. That's not really the case in Quito. There must be other structures housing various department scattered around the city, but we never saw them.

There was an exception: The Presidential Palace. It is facing Independence Square, and has been on this spot in one form or another since 1599. This is not only the seat of government, but it serves as the residence for the leader of the country. If El Presidente is in town, the flag of Ecuador flies over the building. 

The Carondelet Palace is said to have something of a museum inside, but research indicates that the occupants aren't too good at security. There's been a lot of looting of items over the years, which means the material on display is rather new. 

We didn't get to go inside, but you can:

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