Monday, September 12, 2022

Bernkastel, Germany: Thanisch Winery

The valley created by the Moselle (or Mosel) River definitely is wine country. The banks may be steep, but they are filled with vineyards. There aren't many other industries, at least in sight, in the region. Those hills mean the work more or less has to be done by hand. 

I assume you can stop at any of the wineries and do some tasting. Some of our group came to the Thanisch Winery in Bernkastel, which boasts of a ton of awards and the most expensive wine in the immediately area. The Thanisch family has been at this for 350 years. Supposedly, the leader of Trier was very sick and was given some Thanisch wine in an effort to make him feel better. The boss of the region immediately felt better, and gave Thanisch a Doctor's title as a reward. Since then, the business has held the title of "Berncasteler Doctor."

It doesn't take long to figure out that this is an old business. Just look at the front doors.

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