Sunday, October 22, 2023

Novi Sad, Serbia: The Raid Victims Memorial

The history lessons that come up in public memorials are often sad. This certainly qualifies.

In January 1942, the mass execution of many Serbs and Jews was ordered by Hungarian authorities. About 1,300 were killed in those horrible few days, as they were sent on to the frozen Danube and shot. Eventually the ice broke and everyone drowned. The river was said to be colored red during those horrible days. A few thousand others went missing. As you'd expect, the people of this region haven't completely forgiven the Hungarians - who were under the control of Nazi Germany - for the incident.

A sculpture was built in tribute to the victims in 1972, and it was placed along the river. It represents a family. A few of the panels explain what happened, and the others list the names of the victims.

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