Saturday, October 21, 2023

Novi Sad, Serbia: Synagogue

Where would you go in Novi Sad to find a synagogue? How about Jevrejska Street? It might help if you knew that Jevrejska translates to Jewish. 

As usual, they've been building synagogues on such locations for a few hundred years. This one took four years to build from 1905 to 1909. About 4,000 Jews lived in Novi Sad at the start of World War II. Sadly, there were only 1,000 left after the Holocaust. And many of those immediately moved to Israel. So about 400 are left in Novi Sad these days. 

The synagogue rarely holds religious services today. But it is a good spot for cultural and social events. The facility is considered historically important and protected by the government of Serbia.

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