Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Galapagos Islands, Ecuador: Bartolome Island

This has been called the most iconic place in the Galapagos. That's sort of interesting, in that it's all rock with virtually no vegetation, and doesn't have much of the wildlife that has helped make the area famous.

Still, it's certainly a great place to visit - if you only go for the views. You can land on the beach or on a dock, but eventually you'll get to a man-made walkway that goes up the mountain. There are 372 steps along the way (I also saw 380 steps listed in researching this, but can't say I counted), so make sure you are up for at it. At least there are designated areas along the way to pause for a moment, and there are some flat spots in the path. The wooden trail is the only major nod that I saw in the area to help the visitors get around the islands. Supposedly, it helps prevent erosion.

After all of that climbing, there is a lighthouse on the top of the mountain. It is 374 feet above sea level. It's worth it. 

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