Monday, August 19, 2024

Quito, Ecuador: Agave Museum

As you'd guess, there's an interesting story surrounding this plant. It's located near the equator in Quito, and it's part of the Agave Museum. 

The agave plant is said to have mystical powers, according to those who lived in this part of the Andes many centuries ago. It was said to provide food, clothing and shelter to the residents, which is quite a hat trick for a plant. In addition, if you drink the liquid inside, you were given eternal life.

These days, the plant has a different purpose - at least in this case. The custom is for visitors to make a wish and tie a colored ribbon on to the plant. 

After that, they can cross the street and go to the Agave Spirit - which is a combination restaurant, museum and distillery. You even get to do a little tasting at the end of the lunch/tour.

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