Friday, August 29, 2014

Lion's Head, Ontario: Isthmus Bay

If people moved to where the best views were, Lion's Head would be much more crowded.

It sits on Isthmus Bay, and the view from the shoreline is truly wonderful. The lighthouse does a good job of guarding the bay - even if it is just a replica of the real thing. Some school kids built a replica that replaced the rotted-out version that was torn down in 1969.

If you look in the background of the picture, you can see more of the Niagara Escarpment - a constant in these parts. Supposedly there is a lion's head in the rocks. We couldn't see it from here, but we didn't really know where to look. Perhaps you'll have better luck.

Lion's Head has about three places to eat in town only a handful of stores, but the bay makes it worth a visit.

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