Friday, August 29, 2014

Varney, Ontario - World's Largest Adirondack Chair

Here's your photography lesson of the day, class. What you see on this page is one big chair. Let me rephrase that. It's ONE BIG CHAIR.

No, really. It must be 12 feet tall. But that's tough to tell by this photo, because it is easy to be fooled by the perspective.

So when taking a picture like this, put a person next to the chair so the actual size can be recorded.

The chair is located on Highway 6 in Varney, which is between Guelph and Owen Sound. It looks to be in front of some sort of business, although there is no sign in front. Therefore, the chair just sits there. Seems like a lost marketing opportunity.

One other note - there's a smaller chair down the road that has seen better days. Don't be fooled, make sure you go far enough to see the real thing. The chair is located near Varney Speedway, and can be easily seen on the road.

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