Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Amsterdam, Netherlands: Westerkerk

There's one big problem with having a really big church in a crowded neighborhood: It's tough to get a photo of it all.

Such is the case with Westerkerk, This went up in the 1620s and was one of the first churches built for use by the Protestant Church. It took about 60 years to figure out that an organ was a good fit for a church, so one was added then. They've been tinkered with that musical instrument ever since in the facility.

By the way, the famous painter Rembrandt was first buried here. He went in an unmarked grave, and stayed there for 20 years before his remains were moved. That was said to be common for the poor people of the time. I missed the marker on the wall noting that fact.

Westerkerk is located right next to the Anne Frank House. There are souvenir shops and food stores in the complex, so it's worth a stroll if you arrive for a tour of the attraction next door a bit early - as you probably should.

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