Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Vienna, Austria: Maria-Theresien-Platz

Darn sun. We weren't at this huge square in Vienna when the sun was at a proper angle to take this photo. So its features are in the shadows. Take our word for it, though - it is impressive.

This translates to Maria Theresa Square, of course, and that's Empress Maria Theresa looking out over her subjects.

She's the only female leader in the history of the Habsburg Dominion. She was married to Francis I, the Holy Roman Emperor.Maria Theresa's biography is a mile long. 

The square is big and powerful. It is between the Natural History Museum and the Art History Museum. The complex was finished in 1889, and - as you'd expect - the two museums are quite famous and fabulous.

If you are headed to Vienna, here are some suggestions on what to see in museums - as opposed to taking photos of the outside:

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