Sunday, September 15, 2019

Columbus, Indiana: Zaharakos Ice Cream Parlor

They don't make ice cream parlors like they used to, but Zaharakos in Columbus shows that the styles of the past work pretty well in the present.

This business is located in downtown Columbus, and looks like it would fit in nicely in a 1900 downtown. That's not surprising since that's when three brothers from Greece opened the place. It's been a fixture ever since, with a restoration project done in 2009.

Yes, you can eat typical luncheon fare here, but really, you come here for the ice cream cones, and sundaes, and sodas, and floats, and so on. The ice cream for cones is served in a small bowl, so you get to scoop it into the bottom of the cone yourself. It was terrific. And you eat it with old-time musical instruments playing in the background.

The photo shows the ice cream bar, where the fun part of the business takes place. A museum of sorts runs parallel to the parlor. There are banquet rooms in other parts of the building. Here's a look around:

Just try to walk into this place and not be charmed. It's impossible. It's also impossible not to order ice cream. So don't say you weren't warned.

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