Monday, October 23, 2023

Budapest, Hungary: Fisherman's Bastion

This looks a little dry to be a Fisherman's Bastion. Yes, there's a story there.

Supposedly the portion of the City Wall in Budapest was entrusted to the fishermen of the region in terms of security. The region right below Castle Hill was the home of the fishing industry at the time, so they did their main work there and guarded the walls as well.

Since it is on the edge of the hill, it's a natural spot for walls for protection. The current building went up around 1900. This was damaged during World War II, but was high up the list of priorities when it came to rebuilding. Still it took until 1953 to get it all done. 

It has the best view of the Danube valley of any spot in Budapest. Therefore, it's a natural for people to make the trip up the hill to take a look. We'll take one too.


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