Monday, October 23, 2023

Budapest, Hungary: Holy Trinity Statue

Think the pandemic of 2020-21 was an original event? Think ahead. Oddly enough, it has a connection to this particular attraction in Budapest.

It seems that a square on top of the hill by Matyas Church in Buda had been created late in the 1680s. Then the plague arrived in 1691. The citizens vowed to build a statue to the Holy Trinity if the situation improved. Sure enough, the epidemic eventually ended, and that statue was up by 1706.

Three years later, yet another epidemic arrived. So the population said if the illness stopped spreading, a bigger and better statue would go up. The coughing stopped, and the construction started again. By 1712 the new version was completed. But within a couple of years, that version was moved elsewhere in the area, and the final one was put on the spot. 

The statue took some hits in 1945, but was repaired quickly enough. Some other renovations to the monument took place around 2005 to 2007.

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