Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Vienna, Austria: Burgtheater

You don't have to be an actor or actress to know that this looks a rather special place from the outside. Sure enough, it is the National Theater of Austria. The experts say this is one of the most important theaters in the world. 

The company started in 1741, when an Empress thought it would be nice to have a theater next to her palace. Three of Mozart's operas debuted there. The group has continued all these years. It did suffer a large setback in 1945, when - you guessed it - a bombing raid by the United States Air Force more or less destroyed it. A month later, a fire took care of the rest. But the Austrians started over in 1953, and were finished in 1955. 

I couldn't find a video that showed the interior. The outside is pretty nice, though.

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