Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Vienna, Austria: Palais Pallavicini

You've gotta like the neighborhood in which the Palais Pallavicini found a home. It's tucked in with the Royal Palace and the Spanish Riding School. That's rather prime territory as Vienna goes. 

This palace was built in 1784 on the site of a monastery. One of the owners was Count Johann von Fries, who made some serious money in the banking industry. The rooms are all over the top beautiful, with stucco, chandeliers and mirrors leading the decorative touches. 

The place is still family owned, and available to be rented out for special events. Looks like a nice place for a wedding reception, if you can afford it. By the way, in the 1949 film "The Third Man," this was where Harry Lime lived. 

Here's a glimpse of the inside:

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