Sunday, September 15, 2019

Indianapolis, Indiana: Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site

It's always interesting to see how our Presidents lived, and Indianapolis offers that exact chance. It's the location of the Benjamin Harrison Presidential Site, where the 23rd President spent much of his adult life.

The three-story mansion stayed in the Harrison family for the most part since 1875, when it was built. A non-profit group runs the place now. Therefore, many of the furnishings are originals and date back to Harrison's time there. It's funny to walk into an ex-President's office, complete with some memorabilia. But remember that ex-Presidents didn't have pensions then, so Harrison kept working after he lost an election to Grover Cleveland.

There's a little parking behind the building for visitors, provided construction isn't taking place on the approach road.  A visitors center has a small display area and a gift shop. The National Park Service doesn't control this building, so don't expect to get your NPS passport book stamped here. But certainly the place is maintained at that level of excellence.

Benjamin probably won't mind if we take a look around.

It's nice that we continue to keep alive the memory of most of our Chief Executives.

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