Monday, September 16, 2019

Indianapolis, Indiana: Indiana Statehouse

The capitol building for Indiana needed a little time to get to its current location. Corydon, near the Ohio River, was the first capitol of Indiana because that's where the people were when statehood was granted in 1816. But people soon moved to the rest of the state, and a more central location was needed. That site was called Indianapolis, where a couple of rivers met, and the state government moved in around 1825.

The first building designed for state government fell apart relatively quickly, so a new one was constructed on the same spot. It opened in 1887, and that's the one you see today. It went through something of a renovation on its 100th birthday, but it still looks good.

What is striking during a visit is that there's isn't a great deal of activity. The House and Senate don't meet that often, compared to other states, and many offices apparently are in nearby buildings. But the legislative bodies are there to debate and vote, and the Supreme Court of Indiana is there too. Guided tours are available for those who want one, but it's an easy place to grab a brochure and look around by yourself.

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