Sunday, April 2, 2023

Atlanta, Georgia: Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum

It doesn't take long to see that the Jimmy Carter Presidential Museum and Library is located a special, peaceful place. It's in a nice wooden area east of downtown in Atlanta. Visitors who are dropped off at the circular driveway receive this view of the entrance to the museum. It is a little odd the the cellular phone tower is so nicely balanced at the top of the view. 

If you have been inside of a Presidential Museum elsewhere, you'll know what to expect. There is a short movie on Carter's life, exhibits on his childhood, a replica of the Oval Office, archives, and highlights from his Presidency. One room is devoted to a video of the day in the life of a President, which is a unique way of looking at the job. Yes, the Camp David accords between Egypt and Israel also get an area.

Carter was a model for how to be an ex-President since he left the White House in 1981. His activities since that time also receive plenty of attention here. The last major attraction is Carter's Nobel Peace Prize, located near the exit. 

Construction began on this project in 1984, and it sits on land that was used as the headquarters for General Sherman during the Civil War. The structure was dedicated in 1986.

The outside area is attractive in an entirely different way. There is a short walking trail in the back, complete with a pond and a waterfall through the woods. There are a few statues and monuments on the grounds. 

The area is perfect for some quiet contemplation, as we discovered during our visit. It took place just after a mass shooting happened in a Nashville school. We watched a woman take out a cello on a table near the museum, and she played a slow, respectful song. After we applauded, she explained that often after mass shootings she plays in front of schools as a gesture. (I mention that such an action must keep her quite busy, due to the number of such incidents.) This time, though, the woman was too upset to do that. So she came to the Carter Museum for a little peace.

It was particularly poignant to visit this building in March of 2023. President Carter was in hospice care at that point. While some Presidents like Truman are buried by their libraries, Carter will be laid to rest in his hometown of Plains, Georgia. His house there will be turned into a museum eventually.

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