Thursday, June 29, 2023

Svolvaer, Norway: Lofoton War Memorial Museum

I'm not going to lie about this one. It's a rather odd attraction.

It's a story about one man's hobby. William Hakvaag is the man in question, and he was fascinated by World War II. So ... he started collecting items connected to that era. Hakvaag did pick up plenty of military items in that process, but also acquired some other items from that era. Most centered on activity in the Lofoton Island, but not all did.

Eventually, he decided to show them off in a museum, and the Lofoton War Memorial Museum was born in 1996. After serving as a private entity for 14 years, it became part of a public group. It has Norway's largest collection of WW2 uniforms. Hakvaag personally gave us a talk during our visit. He told a story about one piece of art that may have been - but, to be honest probably wasn't - drawn by Adolf Hitler. Hakvaag wasn't taking any chances and bought it.

The exhibits seem to be thrown in no particular order around the museum, although a separate room that contains items from the Gestapo office is set off from the rest of the place somewhat. I'm not sure it really works that well, but other opinions are welcome and possible.

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