Monday, October 23, 2023

Budapest, Hungary: St. Stephen's Basilica

Saint Stephen must be a rather special person to have his own basilica. Sure enough, he was the first King of Hungary - holding office around the year 1000. In fact, Stephen's hand is located in the reliquary, where church relics are stored. 

A 19th century group decided to start saving their money to form a church, even if they didn't know where. A huge flood in 1838 helped make that decision. When high ground help the members ride out the high waters, that became the spot for the church. 

The Basilica did take some hits during World War II. Happily, refugees also used the facility as a safe harbor, and parts of the Hungarian National Archives were stored there.

This is the most important church in Hungary, and the third-tallest such structure in the country.

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