Thursday, June 29, 2023

Trondheim, Norway: Leif Eriksson

A trip to Norway ought to include a mention of Leif Eriksson, the famous explorer who certainly was one of the first people from Europe to get a view of North America. It's only fitting that this particular statue is located by the docks, since Leif was closely associated with water.

Leif actually pops up in a lot of places. One interesting one in this case is in Seattle. The city there gave a replica of the statue it had to Trondheim. It seems it had been 1,000 years since Leif went exploring, and it was 1,000 years since Trondheim was founded. 

There are other statues of Eriksson, particularly in America. You'd expect one in Duluth, but perhaps not in Boston. Others are in Greenland and Newfoundland. 

This is a classic aim-and-shoot on a moving bus photo. It's located not far from the dock where are ship arrived, but it seems a little out of the way if the planners wanted it near some foot traffic. 

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